Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I saw the trailer for Tron Legacy many months ago, and instantly was transfixed on the .3 seconds of footage showing Sam Flynn's house. And now, months later, I'm guilty of freeze-framing every camera angle the show of it and drooling uncontrolably.

True, set designers don't need to worry about constraints like livability, security, insulation or something as trivial as where the powerpoints for those lamps are (cos I sure as hell don't see any extension leads running across the floor). But goddamn, it is pretty! The sunken living space, the faded and dusty oriental rug, the rough and faded black leather couch, the worn-in brown armchairs, the matte black hanging fireplace. The big window opening out to an amazing view of city lights on water. The fact he can grab a beer from the big, robust old fridge he has found in perfect working order and has a space where he can work on his Dad's beat up old Ducati bike inside.

Oh, I die.

Here's a little scene from it which shows it off a bit. The movie itself shows a lot more of the space than any photo or video I can find though.

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